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(1 edit)

Just finished playing and had a great time! I loved being able to modify difficulty to make it just right and really enjoyed making my characters increasingly kick-butt. :P The art is super cute with some nice small details as well (I loved the little faces on some of the big stairways in one of the dungeons!) and the silent hero gimmick was hilarious. Thank you very much for sharing the game here! If you have any other older games to share, I would love to see them. ;)

Slight spoiler below…

The fake-out fight with the vampire made me laugh so hard. :P


haha thank you so much, that part you mentioned is one of my favorites as well!!! :D

Yeah I should keep re-uploading old stuff. The urge to spend too much time to fix old stuff is strong tho so I have to be careful


your cranking out awesome rpgs like clockwork lately lol.


haha thanks, this one's originally from 2017 but the site I had it hosted on went down recently so I thought I'd update it a little and put it up here. I may put up more old stuff here but we'll see :D