Quest Questers lives!

Very happy to re-release this game! A lot of my smaller games have been exclusive to RMN for a long time, and with that site being down for quite a while (they are working on getting it remade, godspeed heroes!) I've wanted to bring my smaller projects here on itch.

I always felt like the pacing of the random battles in Quest Questers held it back a little bit, so I'm glad I finally took the chance to remove the randomness and rebalance it around on-screen encounters. I probably won't have the time to give this sort of treatment to all my old projects, to the point where I may have to put a bit of a "play at your own risk" disclaimer on some really old stuff if it ends up here XD;; but I'm glad this game got a little extra polish.

For now, it's back to work on Izrand. If you stopped by and/or gave Quest Questers a play (or played it back in the day), thank you very much! :DDD


Quest 232 MB
34 days ago

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RMN is down!? I hope they can being it back. That site got mw through some times.


They're working on it! In the past few days, it's been up for short periods and down again, so, progress, I hope! And I think they're planning to rebuild it from the ground up if they have to! They have also made archives of the old RMN in case anything goes wrong, which is super cool! I'll link those below for anyone looking for 'em :D

RMN collection