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Hey all! My hardrive died and I lost my saves. Would someone be willing to share the language code and how to activate it at the beginning? Not super keen on the idea of doing another playthrough, so I can do another playthrough. 

(1 edit) (+1)

When you start a new game, press or hold Q when you see the screen scrolling up to Dottie's house.

The code is (a secret)

Thanks so much! I have it written down again ( I will NOT lose it this time), so if you want to delete your comment to keep it a surprise for new players, I have it.


Haha, good idea. I've edited it out. Cheers! :D

First off, really had fun, great game and even finished the special final dungeon.

Having major combat options rely on pickups dispersed throughout the game is not comfortable as a player.  With Miriam, I underused the items early, then overused them late.  The concept that you were aiming for was probably a feeling of scarcity, but as players we won't know how you as a developer are going to distribute them.  Something like having a maximum clip size, but more common bullet drops from enemies might given a more smooth experience.  I'm griping, butI really enjoyed the combat, this was just something that bugged me enough to want to bring it up with the dev.

Again, wonderful game and thanks to you and all who helped.  Hope you and the team find lots of success (and can get a steam release someday!)


That's a very good point. I was really aiming for things to feel scarce, but I can completely understand your frustrations here. In the future, I'll be sure to avoid design decisions like this, as battles are more fun when you don't have to guess how many drops you're going to get in the future. It also can cause the "elixirs are too rare, never use them" problem with some players where they just don't engage with consumables at all because they feel compelled to horde them, which is just reinforced when you don't know when they are going to drop.

Thanks for playing the game (and the bonus dungeon, super cool :DDD) and for the feedback, and glad you enjoyed it overall ^_^

Not just 'enjoyed it overall', I loved  the game.  Best RPG I've played in a long time and I finished it in marathon sessions over a few days.  The feedback was only because I thought I knew what you were attempting, and I felt like it was really close to achieving that so I wanted to weigh in.  Don't reply to this!

First, play this game if you haven’t already. It’s great!  

Second, I am stupidly attracted to Elothu and I am not ashamed to admit it. He’s hot. It had to said and it was said.  

Third, Farudon is so adorable!  

Now, that that’s been said, I have to admit I was feeling neither Alicia nor Miriam, to be honest. So, I was super excited when Lamar joined the team. And Dottie is adorable, too. I’m glad to see a child character written as an actual child—not obnoxiously precocious, just an adorable little girl.  

By the time I got to the memory sparks, I liked them all well enough—don’t feel the “I’d die for you” feel like with Luxaren Allure, though, except for the Outer Evocations (yes, they’re using me; no, I don’t care, haha), Lamar, and Dottie.  

Lamar is also hot, by the way. Not sorry, either. Had to be said.  

(spoilers below!)  

I wasn’t expecting Vi and Erick to die. I’m glad this game doesn’t play around. Nobody is safe. It’s weird because it made me sad when they were revived as zombies more than when they were actually killed—likely because they were there-but-not-really-there.  

Fighting Amethyst pulled on my heartstrings HARD. And now that I think about it… I didn’t check if there was an escape option that could’ve triggered a different resolution. OH GOD I COULD’VE NOT KILLED AMETHYST?!  

I knew something was off with Sadie, but I thought she was going to be a surprise party member eventually, not the big bad. Colour me shocked.  

If I had to nitpick I’d say the Snake Zone got a bit tedious after I defeated the Inner Evocations and was trying to just uncover the secrets and the little things that I’d missed the first time around. Maybe a third level of “don’t bother me” after the bar turns yellow would be a nice addition. A blue bar of really, really infrequent encounters after one has defeated a certain number of enemies or has a certain number of successful fights, at least on that level? I didn’t run away from any fight, by the way, and I feel stupidly proud of that fact, haha.  

This is a first time, actually, but I’d love it if this game had an official guide. Not that I didn’t like the game—I love it—but I’d rather not have to play it all over again for the different endings or the things I’ve missed and I must absolutely, definitely see because I love this game’s lore and will not stop till I know everything.  

I don’t even know which ending I got, to be honest, haha. The first time I got the “Daybreak gone, but you survived” ending, which I thought was cute and is probably the normal/standard ending. I was satisfied with that ending, honestly, but because I knew there were things that I hadn’t done the completionist bug bit me and I had to go again.  

Makyo feels like a bit of a drag, though. I don’t know if it’s because I’d already “finished” the game and was happy with the ending I got or because the enemy-encounter bar isn’t my favourite, but finishing it felt like a chore. And the ending is a bit underwhelming, considering the nice boss fight before it and the lore with the primordial child.  

But, again, I’m just nitpicking. This was a joy to play and I cannot believe it was free.

If I have to ask a question it'd be: what happened to the cultist the team leaves alive and is seen still alive in the endings where some people survive? She was shady as fuck, but I'm kind of curious about her.

FYI: I didn’t find the second Primordial Bone or the Makyo Triangles. I am most likely missing at least two endings and so much lore. I failed OTL


Thanks so much for playing this as well! :DDD

To answer some things, I did a lot of experimental stuff in this game, not all of it were the best ideas in hindsight, though most of them have gone over alright regardless.  

For example, Makyo was made in response to a small but loud group of players who complain that my games are too easy, even on the hardest difficulty. I tried to make it very clear that it was for challenge only, with an NPC saying there's nothing good down there and a lot of "hey, this is a bad idea" warnings, but I suppose that's really not going to deter people who want answers and/or more lore.

I also put a lot of secrets in the game, mainly to see if anyone would be able to find them, but have been pretty open to just telling people how to get them if they ask, you can find the location of the bones and the triangles in responses to other players pretty easily on this page.  

As for endings, I've never been huge on offering multiple ones. The first ending you get is *the* ending as far as I'm concerned. The "ending" for Makyo is more of a joke game-over, and there's technically a second ending if you go back and beat the game after completing Makyo, but it's a tiny tiny addition that I consider more of a "fun" bonus and don't consider canon. 

In future games, I think I'll make any post-game content more meaningful to all players, rather than just a big challenge. Making these games is always a learning experience.

Regarding one characters' death, you cannot change that. It will happen even if you try to stall it. 

Thanks again for playing and sharing your thoughts :DDDDD My next big project will probably be something more like Luxaren Allure was.

Pssha! The game was awesome. As I said, those were nitpicks. I am exceedingly pleased to see how well you take constructive criticism, though. My respect for you as a developer is shattering the fucking roof, haha.

WRT the game's difficulty: I just finished the third ending, with the primordial daughter possessing the mother’s body, and it was the toughest boss battle in the whole game. So, I was not disappointed. The game definitely offers a challenge to those looking to unveil lore secrets or find the hardest fights. Will try to find the triangles and the bones and all those little deets I might've missed at some point. This is one of those games I can see myself revisiting.

It's funny because I don't know if I can honestly tell you I'm a fan of multiple endings. I've played games that have them and have enjoyed them—the Silent Hill series comes to mind—but I think it depends on whether the game is intriguing/fun enough to play, because that's what would make me want to go back and try for the other endings in the first place.

When you say "more like Luxaren Allure" you mean the genre? I'd be kind of disappointed if that's the case, haha, though I'd still play it, of course. I am actually not a fan of the fantasy genre and only played LA due to the sapphic/gay/LGBT content. The whole existential horror/reclaiming Lovecraftian from Lovecraft's grimy racist homophobic hands genre is more my thing, and you excelled at it.

Anyway, thanks for TWO amazing games, and for the lovely replies. Wishing you the best in your career as a game developer!

how many secrets are there in the mines?

so far i found the heart.

There's one more. There's a locked door down there in the green cave section. You'll need to trade that heart for a key to get in first, though.


got recomended this game , had no idea you made another game after luxaren allure. discovery failure.

Haha, glad you got a chance to check it out :DDD!

Hello, it's been a while since I checked and finished an rpg maker game. I enjoyed every second of this (maybe except on some parts I got stuck for a while).

The thing is the art style and music choice for battles and maps caught my interest and after checking the comments you were actually inspired by earthbound (I only know the meme audio used for exe. videos lmao).

Amazing experience overall, I might've missed some content (before I was stuck searching the key of regret, left and right triangle pieces, and the area to use the blue face) if I missed the thread here.

I wish the lore itself and for extra characters were more complete and specific with no open endings unless you are planning to make a sequel. 
To be exact there are three endings I encountered and while having questions left unanswered is also interesting, I prefer my curiosity satiated.

Special mention for Cephiti. Goosebumps all over, that woman was DANGER itself even the door before her room has a warning. Poor girl though, still alone.  



I got goosebumps after finishing the third ending.
Okay to start things off,  after unlocking makyo and burning the agares seal pots with infernal horns to ashes except the last seal, Progress Nautilius, Daybreak is saved. 

Though unlike the first ending, the Observer Zlonyth's purpose for Vi and Erick as personal "assistants" and goal after casting a mysterious spell coated in blue made me ponder as to why he seems on cloud nine at the time. 

After that, the interaction between four outer evocations (Elothu, Farudon, Ginyagu, Isanir) made me wonder why Farudon was the only one who didn't genuinely know what to rejoice about after asking Elothu as they float on space. Elothu's answer to Farudon's confusion is such a well done cliffhanger and will be the one to decide whether these three are benevolent. 

As for first ending readers(assuming some of you got intrigued) this comes along with a surprise in this ending, they are accompanied by the firstborn child of Xelanyel(name not mentioned) after breaking the last seal on her own and possessing Xelanyel on her final form. 

Though her line in this ending might be somehow relaxed, in the second ending where the main characters broke the last seal, the firstborn child of Xelanyel was shown to be as someone who seeks destruction, vengeance, and she even obliterated earth while laughing maniacally on her own out in space.

Now it left me these questions, 

The firstborn child could possibly be the next evocation villain?
or will there be more twists?

The firstborn child seems acquainted with the outer evocations?

Why did the outer evocations not use all of their reasoning and control over  the main characters to absolutely stop them from breaking all the seals of Makyo? 

What is the true agenda of the outer evocations and the observer?

Is the Anima Eater(The one that consumed amethyst) some kind of natural parasitic evocation or an artificial one made by the inner evocations?

I didn't encounter the invisible guy in any area yet. Is he an important piece to the story?

If sequel comes, will Cephiti get a redemption arc and possibly be a key connector to some mysteries still unsolved? 


Unity, thank you for creating this game. This might've been too long, but I hope this shows how much I got invested in your work. Props to you!
I would love for a sequel to come.

P.S.  I was hoping I could save the assumed second child of Xelanyel(Princess) but she wanted to be left to her fate just like her mother. Yes, I do simp for reasonable fine angelic alien women.

Thanks so much for the detailed comment, and I'm so glad you loved the game! :DDD

I'm not going to answer too many questions, as I feel like it's a lot more fun to let people discuss their own theories rather than spell everything out, and I do have loose ideas for a possible sequel and/or maybe a side-game, but those are very much in a "if they happen, they happen, but it probably won't be really soon" state, as I have other games I want to make, too!

Again, I'm going to pass on answering most of the questions, but I'll answer a few: 

"I didn't encounter the invisible guy in any area yet. Is he an important piece to the story?"

He is completely an easter egg. He has no importance to the story and is more of a "wonder if anyone will find him" secret.

"Is the Anima Eater(The one that consumed amethyst) some kind of natural parasitic evocation or an artificial one made by the inner evocations? If sequel comes, will Cephiti get a redemption arc and possibly be a key connector to some mysteries still unsolved? "

I have ideas about possibly working Cephiti and maybe even Anima Eater into future games, so maybe there'll be a chance to learn more in the future :D

And yes, unfortunately you have to leave "the princess" to her fate.

Thanks again for getting so into this game and the detailed post! :DDDD

(2 edits)

Hi, I wanted to report a possible bug and post three spoilery questions:

First, my compliments to the game. Everything, I think, was extremely well done (I especially had a lot of fun with the cipher). If there's any flaw, I think it is that the enemies get a bit too bulky HP-wise toward the end.

Now, the possible bug I found by digging around to see if there was something I missed:

There's a certain invisible being in a certain area. They give you a choice of rewards. If you say no to them, they do not add 4 to the Magic Number like taking a reward does. I mean, you DID find them, so I presume it should add to the number, no?

Finally, the three questions, all spoilery:

Is the invisible person somewhere else, like in Neo Vinclum?

There's a bit of dialogue... somewhere I can't remember referring to the Goddess Lumera or Lunera, saying they are not all-powerful. Nowhere else is this goddess mentioned if I remember. I am wondering if this was maybe some early name of Xelanyel that didn't get changed in the dialogue.

I seem to have found everything except one thing and it is driving me mad: is the enemy named Cephiti fightable? I would like to beat it up because it looks cool and for the life of me I cannot find them.

Wonderful game, again. Thank you for the experience! The secret final boss was an extremely dirty trick you pulled and I appreciated it very much. And I don't mean the snail.

Thanks very much! That IS in fact a bug, good catch! :DDD I'll get that fixed!

The invisible being is in fact in Neo Vinclum. He's not easy to find. I don't know if anyone's ever found him.

As for Goddess Lumera, that was a reference to another game I was working on at the time (I like cross-promotional hidden stuff like that XD) but given that that game's production never got far before getting put on hiatus, I may change that dialog. It's not very fitting right now.

Cephiti is fightable but not made to be beaten, more as an easter egg (tho some dedicated people have beaten her).  As a blatant homage to a game about dreams, there is a lightbulb you can turn on and off in Neo Vinclum. If you turn the lights off and on repeatedly, there is a chance _something_ will happen (you don't have to leave the room to reset either, but the chance is still very low). 

Thanks again for getting so involved in finding all these secrets, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! :DDD

Thank you for making this game, it was really enjoyable. Finished the first run, including post game, with a Magic Number of 85, although I couldn't find the Left Triangle (not sure if it was in Mayko, the Mind Mine, or one of Uratheul's subsections, but not gonna worry too much about it). Gonna have a second run, because deciphering the languages took more effort than I was willing to put in

So glad you enjoyed it! :DDD If you're curious, the Left Triangle is behind a hidden door in the Princess zone of Uratheul.

Thank you, I feel a bit silly missing it before XD

No worries, it can be hard to tell that there are doors behind those pillars :D

It was an absolute joy to come back to the full version of this game and see the rest of the story after playing the demo more than 2 years ago... where does the time go?

My view is pretty much still the same. I adore the characters, I adore the story, I adore the battle system, I adore every single thing about this game. I poured so many hours into it, I did so much level grinding and it was worth every second. It's a game that made me laugh, made me cry and made me speechless at times.

Also, on top of the main story there are little side-stories and side-quests ticking along in the background, such as the Fortune Ticket Hunting, the search for safe codes and translating the two other worldly languages spoken by various creatures throughout the game.

I love this game, and any other fans of old-school RPGs need to add this to their collection. I'll be diving back into the whole game at some point to do some stuff I didn't do the first time for sure, and to maybe pick up on some hints I may have missed before.

Awesome job everyone, absolutely awesome!

If anyone has a spare day or two handy, you can check out my full playthrough from the demo days to the full release too, if you so wish!


Thank you so much! It's been a real delight seeing the new videos go up and seeing you play through the game, and I'm so happy you enjoyed it so much! :D 

i heard things about this game on the jimmy and the pulsating mass discord

Awesome! Jimmy is such an amazing game :DDD

Hello, I'm back asking another question lol.


I just got the secret(?) ending in Makyo, was great, had a good chuckle afterward, but I never managed to find the other triangle piece for the secret door? Found the one in that blue area where you gotta dodge the faces, and I got a key of regret from somewhere (admittedly I don't remember where lol) and I'm not sure where to take that either.

If you have the Key of Regret, that makes things easy, as it unlocks the door to get the triangle you're missing .

Go do the mine minigame in the Observer's Shrine again. When the minigame starts, take the green door (upper right).  After that, take the door to the right. Just to the left and up of where you appear next room is the next door you take (in the newest version, there are arrows pointing to the room, but they are missing in older versions XD)

There is where you'll be able to use that Key of Regret. Hope this helps :DDD

Thank you!

No problem :DDD

Hello! I'm really enjoying this game, it's a lot meatier than It lets on. I'm having trouble finding the "shriveled up and worthless" treasure in the fortune ticket mine though, just any general direction or any help at all would be appreciated! TY!

I'll guide you to the general area. There are a couple of ways to get there, but try this: 

When you start the mine mini-game, choose the grey door on the upper left. Continue north thru a door. Then take the door on the right.  Then take the door on the left. If you continue on this path, you'll get to an area with a glowing red outline. 

The heart's room is directly connected to that red area. You'll know you've found the right room if you find a chamber with grey mine floor and an item in the center in something that resembles a mine-cart.

I found it! Thank you bunches!

You're welcome :D

(1 edit)

I'm having a fantastic time with this game - choosing upgrades is hard which makes each one feel important, the encounter bar makes exploring a risk/reward choice rather than something to be interrupted by randomness, the prevalence of the 'effectiveness' mechanic makes every fight a challenge to really think about without being too difficult - there are more micro-choices in walking around and fighting than most 'simple' RPGs I've played, making it extremely engaging. Not to mention the story and characters are genuinely interesting - I'm liking Miriam more than Alicia so far as she's been proving herself less two-dimensional than I'd first surmised her to be more than Alicia, but I have the feeling everyone will find a way into my heart.

I downloaded this game quite a while ago and see now it'd been updated, is there a way to redownload the game and keep my current save file? I'd love to play the "full" version but I'd hate to give up my progress.

PS: is there any way to earn Dollars besides finding them in the wild? I haven't been paying enough attention to the times I've gained them and only noticed now that there's something I can't afford to buy ingame haha

I'm so glad you're enjoying the game! :DDD

You can download any new update and copy your save files over, and everything should work just fine! You will be able to continue without staring over!

The most common way to get dollars is, yeah, finding them in the wild or finding items you can sell to a collector. Technically some monsters have a chance to drop sellable items, but they generally aren't super reliable for grinding for cash. Money can be pretty sparse sometimes.

Honestly, after some thought, money being as sparse as it is makes for an even better experience. I'm able to buy at least one thing whenever I encounter a shop but never everything, and that extra choice is more interesting than the usual RPG experience of having so much money shops are just places you're able to pick up everything you need and then some. Not having healing items in shops also makes them feel important to use and saving items feels like a necessary habit to have learned - unlike other RPGs where you can just buy more potions before going into a dungeon.

I've read other comments so I understand why you aren't charging for this game but I honestly believe that without the copyright issues it really is worth paying for. If you have a Ko-Fi or Paypal or Patreon or anything I genuinely want to pay money for the experience I'm having playing this game.

Thanks! I wanted it to feel like you were scavenging for supplies to survive, so you'd really think about using healing items!

I do have a kofi, here!

Any donations are very much appreciated! :D  Maybe someday I can make an updated rerelease with all-original music and updated content to put on Steam or something, but for now I'm not sure if that'll happen

just donated :D thank you very much for your work, I'm having a lot of fun AND learning about what makes a fun RPG


Thanks so much, I really appreciate that! :DDD So glad you're enjoying the game that much!!!

(1 edit)

Hello how are you? I'm sure somebody already asked this but the key to the hell dungeon it's time for me to master that as I have beaten the game thoroughly enjoyed it and want more. Even a clue will be great. 

The demon who runs the fortune ticket shop in the Mind Mines has it and should offer to sell it to you if you've beaten the game and rewound time.

Thank you so much. 

No problem :D Let me know if you need anything else!

Looks like a mix of Earthbound & Mother 3.

Whew! Finished (at least the main playthrough?)!

Had a blast. Gameplay felt like a nifty riff on SMT and I loved how every character felt different (cast from health, bullets, tomes, chess pieces, plus all of their PSI gaining abilities).

Story and characters were also very engaging, the main reason I kept playing. (Although, I gotta ask, is there something more with Lydia? I was hoping to see her in a post credit scene, maybe)

Lastly, it's a crime this is a free! Please tell me you at least have a PayPal or a Kofi or something I can drop a few bucks in.

Yeah, if I have any regrets, it's not putting in more stuff with Lydia, before or after her scene. She's an important friend from Alicia's past, so if I do a sequel, maybe I'll make her show up and have a big role there? Not sure.

Wow, thanks! I finally set up a Ko-fi here, and I appreciate any donations a lot!

Hey Unity, it took me longer than expected to finish the game (I came to you originally after "stopping" The Grandmaster only to find out there was more content) and I got sidetracked a bit but I finally finished, the post game, and the "dev" zone. However, I'm curious about the bad end that awaits you at the bottom of the postgame (also how anyone beat The Champ or The Progress Engine without dropping the difficulty down or grinding to 99). I wanna say that I really enjoyed this game, though enemies had a bit too much chuft in the post-game zones, its still very enjoyable and easily a 9.5/10. I put close to 20 hours total into the game (15/5 main and post game) and enjoyed the whole thing. 

Trying to be vague here just so I don't spoil anything major for folks.




Okay, hopefully that drops this down below a "click to expand" line. So, got some lore questions about Makyo. Two really. First, what are those scenes we find throughout the game? What would have happened without the Observer's constant interference? I thought it was what would have happened without the Outer Evocations, but we don't meet up with Big E until we've been inside Vedim space. So are these just visions of how we could have died? Clearly we're alive until we get unmade at the end of the game, so its not like unlocking the seals was screwing with causality or preventing us from ever being born. So, yeah, just sorta pitching ideas against the wall here. I like them, I just wanna understand them.

Second question might have an in-game answer when I come back and do a re-run with translations turned on. However, until that point...uh, first child. I don't really recall much lore about her at all. At first I thought she was the Princess, but thats the being behind the bars in the Princess Zone. She's clearly been stuffed into hell by the Inner Evocations, but it almost seems like Hell was built around her. Any lore you could provide on her would be lovely.   

Oh, and while I'm at it, I too did not get why the other Outer Evocations are laughing at the end of the game. What did they get out of the contracts? You don't do one sided contracts, they must have gotten something from the journey, especially to be so happy at the end there. Their home is destroyed, but so are their enemies...are they free now to act upon our plane of existence because of the destruction of Vedim Space? Once again, just kinda spitballing here.

If you've not got any answers, thats cool too. Sometimes its better not to answer your fans questions or give away too many secrets. Still, I'd appreciate what thoughts you care to share, and will keep an eye out for anything you make in the future. 

I'd prefer to leave a lot of this up to the player. Would Alicia really have been unable to get into Daybreak without his help or is Alicia tenacious enough that she would have found a way?  Do the Outer Evocations have something sinister in mind for our universe or are they just glad to be freed with all their enemies dead?  What's the deal with Makyo and the hallucinations at the bottom? I feel like answering these is less interesting than letting people draw their own conclusions.

I will say that very little is said about the Firstborn in the game. They are mysterious by design, but were very very powerful and hated. The Princess aligned herself with them and was confined for that reason.

As for the hallucinations in Makyo, make of them what you will, but the whole realm has been repurposed to keep the Firstborn in and anyone else out. 

Thank you very much for playing all the way to the depths of the bonus dungeon! That's dedication! I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! :D

Is there a macOS build planned for this?

(1 edit)

I'm sorry to say that it's unlikely as I'm not that great of a coder and have to rely on community support for a lot of that stuff. However, it looks like there's a program called Wineskin that can (hopefully?) help.

Here's a thread that talks about it. You can skip steps 1 and 2 on the thread because W&U uses all custom files and no RTP.

Hope this helps and sorry I can't be more of use here.

Thank you so much for this. This is amongst my favourite RPGs now - I love the music, writing, gameplay and art! Uterly hooked and thoroughly engaged with this. Roughly 75% ish (???) through the game, I think.

Thanks very much! :DDD I'm glad you like it! Hope you enjoy the rest!

This was a journey.

The longest rpgmaker game I've ever played with a great story, great combat tons of sidequests and secrets. I think counting multiple files and retrying fights and everything my final time was about 40ish hours. It's quite different to what I've seen you do in the past and you did it so well. I particularly like the parts where the story doesn't outright tell you something but if you're paying attention you can figure it out. Overall a great experience that took me a while to finally finish. I might come back other time to see all the translated text in the earlier parts of the game but for now I'm happy with all I was able to do in this.

Also, it goes without saying but:


Thank you so much! Yes, this game is very different from anything I've done before, and I'm super happy that you enjoyed it so much and put so much time into it! Thanks so much!!!

(Also you have good taste, AliciaxMiriam is best, if I may say so myself XD)

I just beat this game and have some thoughts to share. First off I was anticipating this games completion for about 1.5 years was it worth the wait? Yes it was definitely worth the wait and than some. Unity blew all my expectation out of the water. Weird and Unfortunate is better than I could have ever hoped it to be. I love the whole Lovecraft theme going on throughout the long journey through the transformed daybreak. The art style is just gorgeous, the music is awesome, the combat is reminiscent of Earthbound but it is its own thing no copying was done. The game feels like its own world not some copy paste rpg maker game. Overall I give this 5/5 Stars. The game gave me this surreal feeling throughout my time playing it, and the story was the best part of it. There are so many different interwoven paths between characters and events lots of subtle plot points you have to pay attention to. There are even some light but pretty well implemented puzzles. Great job on this one Unity and her team rock.  

Thank you so much! I'm so glad it was worth the wait and I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much! :DDDDDD

No thank you for making a free awesome game!

Haha, you're welcome :D

(2 edits) (+1)

No worries you are deserving of the praise. Video games saved my life from endless drug addiction and suffering. They are more meaningful to people than you may think. So to provide top quality fun for free well that makes you a good person, Thanks again. 

Just beat the game, and I must say, this has been one of the most rewarding RPG experiences I’ve had in a long time. I decided to write down the aspects that I particularly enjoyed!

The story – Its such a unique story with unexpected twists (some very sad twists). The story flows in a nice pace where everything moves along and I was super interested in seeing what would happen next.

The characters – I LOVE the main cast (humans and evocations). Its so refreshing to see main characters that do not follow your typical “RPG hero” tropes. I love how their personalities shine through and I love their dialogue and banter. For me, wanting to see how their stories conclude was the driving force throughout the game because I was so invested in their wellbeing that I had to know what will happen! (btw, Miriam is my favorite human and Farudon my favorite evocation!)

The battle design – The battle flow was nice and rewarding. I played on medium difficulty and it provided a good challenge, however I didn’t have to grind. Just going through the dungeons fighting normally was sufficient to keep me at a good level. In particular I liked how all skills were useful. I found myself using all my skills, support and offensive, throughout the different battles. Its great to feel like everything in my arsenal is important. This was the most evident in the final battle where I found myself using EVERYTHING I had to win, which was SO rewarding!

The enemy designs – The game is all about psychic powers and psychology. The enemies reflect that. The enemy designs and their names reflect different concepts in the human psyche. Enemy designs felt so thoughtful and meaningful. And there are so many different designs, it is so much fun to find new ones, learn their names, and try to relate the name to the design. Very creative!

The MUSIC! I love the music in this game so much! I was surprised when the credits showed that the music was from different sources. When I played, I thought everything was composed by the same person because all tracks complimented each other and the environments so well. I would find myself getting into battles just to listen to the battle themes in some of the dungeons, haha! Also I little thing I appreciated that in the same dungeon not all normal battles have the same theme. I thought that was a really nice touch.

The atmosphere! All the areas felt very immersive. I think atmosphere really shows in the creepy/horror/otherworldly areas (highlights for me are the playground, the descent, the pockets of vedim space that you get to through the invisible creature) I had to stop in many of these areas and just take in the atmosphere, it was so good!

Wooooh! That was a lot of writing. In short, I thoroughly enjoyed Weird and Unfortunate from start to finish. It is one of my favorite RPGs in a long, long time!

Final note: I thought the sound of 25 obols was therapeutic, and then I found the 50 and 100 obols! Euphoria! 

Ah, wow! Thank you so much for this, Yoraee! :DDD I'm so glad you enjoyed the game this much and liked the characters, story and atmosphere!!! And it always makes me happy when other devs I follow play something I've made!!! ^_^

And yes, the sound of all those coins raining down just *feels* amazing somehow XD

(4 edits)

Just a heads up: I encountered a bug while fighting Lunacy where I killed him the turn after he revived his minions and the game soft locked. Music kept playing, but I couldn't do anything and the minions remained on the screen. Did the fight again, focused down the boss and it went as expected, so I think the auto-kill script might've failed.

edit: Just beat the game. Overall it was really enjoyable, the only glitches or issues I encountered was fighting some of the optional bosses where the minions weren't being removed properly when the boss was defeated. There was one typo near the end where the word 'process' was spelled 'proces' but that's about all I found. 

 I played through the entire game on the highest difficulty and thought it was pretty balanced. Random fights struck a good balance of difficulty and I never felt overpowered or underpowered. I think the only remarks I have would be:

  • Batting Stance is not really worth it. It deals low damage and on higher difficulties it can mean Alicia dies the next turn because of how high damage can be. I think if there were passives to buff it (enhanced damage, reflect psychic, damage reduction for example) it would be much more useful. Otherwise I used Alicia as my main damage dealer thanks to the later abilities dealing high damage. Absorb/Gaze I almost never used, but Flash/Cleanse/Refresh were great utility
  • Miriam was kind of in an odd place the whole game. Once she applied her dots she didn't really have much else to do because her spells did mediocre-ish damage and ammo was frequently scarce because of how much you'd use during bosses. She starts off strong, then gets weaker, stronger and then sort of peaks with Overdrive. But against certain enemy groups she can only really apply her dots and then she doesn't really have much else to do. She also has a tendency to burn thru PSI very quickly, but I think that's OK since Dottie solves that problem. I think giving her something else she can do (like generate ammo or enhance her debuffs) in fights where Rage damage doesn't work would help.
  • No complaints about Lamar, he's great. Good skill set, always has something to do and his books give him a lot of variety. Maybe it's a bit too easy to maintain his PSI but that's more him just being super good.
  • No complaints about Dottie either. Absorb is surprisingly useful because it's easy to drain a full bar of PSI from an enemy and make them waste a turn recovering. Maybe another spell that used the Eldritch system could add some more variety but that's a fairly small thing.

I played on normal and found batting stance to be IMMENSELY useful. If its buffed, it should probably be nightmare specific, since it would end up being completely broken for lower difficulties. 

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I think tying the upgrades to obols would make perfect sense since that would mean you'd have to make some pretty big sacrifices in the early-mid game to upgrade Alicia. Adding just a tad more upgrade paths in general would go a long way, like speccing Alicia as a counter-tank and maybe something for Miriam to focus more on her basic skills.

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When it comes to the basic stuff, like health, atk, etc. The gear seems to be the big weight to those stats. By the end, my Alicia was incredibly tanky compared to how VoD built her for his streams. I do agree about Miriam though, she could use a bit more wallop in her basic attack. 

Thanks very much for the feedback and analysis. I think (and hope) I figured out what caused that battle to crash and that'll be in the next build update. I'll consider your suggestions, though I'm probably not going to add or rework anything too major as I'd like to start on a new project soon.

Thanks again :D

I'm curious if anyone is willing to share where they found the heart in the mines. I've sunk a couple hundred oble-obli-mind currency and I can't find it. I FEEL like I've been everywhere and I don't even know what path I might be missing to try.


I'll guide you to the general area. There are a couple of ways to get there, but try this: 

When you start the game, choose the grey door on the upper left. Continue north thru a door. Then take the door on the right.  Then take the door on the left. If you continue on this path, you'll get to an area with a glowing red outline. The heart is somewhere in that area.

Many thanks. I'll check it out asap!

Got it!

Wonderful! :D

(1 edit)

Hey there, I also found this from Voice of Dogs content. I’m most of the way through the game and I’ve loved every minute of it, but I was curious: is there a way to save Dotties friend from the playground? I figure it’s a scripted death, but wanted to be sure I wasn’t missing a secret there.  

(1 edit)

Something different can happen if you wait around enough, but either way, she unfortunately can't be saved ^^;;

Thanks for playing, I'm so glad you're enjoying the game! :D

(1 edit)

Yeah, I got both results, just wanted to check to see if there was a third option. Thanks for responding, if you ever make anything else I’ll be sure to give it a try!

PS: oh, I wanted to ask, is the alternative way that fight ends meant to be a reward (it gives better loot and salves your conscience) for not gunning down Dottys friend or a punishment (the alternative fight is rude) for using out of character knowledge? Just curious about the thought behind the design, that sort of thing interests me.

It's closer to the later, as it is meant to show the outcome is inescapable. It was originally missing from the game when first released, but I realized that players are often encouraged in other games to try to prevent the inevitable, and some didn't like the explanation that "the characters had no way of knowing."  

It technically "rewards" the player with the spoils of battle and alternate dialog,  and it "punishes" them as I feel like it is surprising and a bit cruel, but more than anything, I classify it more as a small secret or oddity.  It's meant to signal "Hey, I know you don't want this to happen, but it's going to happen. You cannot change this."

That makes sense, thanks for explaining that. I'll bother you once more when I finish the game, and maybe if I do a replay with the alternate language patch. Once again, thanks for making such a cool game.

so umm silly question but does anyone know where the key of regret is?

Hidden somewhere in the Mind Mines is a heart. Take that heart to an NPC in the Princess Zone and you'll get the key.


Oh dang, I thought I had gotten all the pre-Makyo stuff besides a fool's key and one of the prodigal bones.

Hi just wanted to say i beat the game today and it was 20 hours of good fun but if i had to complain about anything there are a few parts of the game i don't understand stuff like way was the one monster in the playground good but would turn mean and attack people?

And the other thing was what was so funny at the ending of the game?

But overall a blast to play :)

Commenting again to say that I finished the game. The whole experience was a blast and I'd say this was my game of the year. I think this shows you have the chops for a commercial game.


Thank you very much! :D That's great, I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Hi i don't know how much more of the game i have I'm 8 hours in and made it to downtown and so far i just want to say a few things.

1.Great game I really like what i have played so far only issue i would give it is I wish some of the passive skills increased damage not just HP/PP also skills seem a little expensive but over all a great game.

2.This may sound rude but why did you not ask for money for this game? It is high grade and i feel worth some money also i see no copyright issues unless i am missing something.

Thanks very much! I didn't charge money because a big chunk of the music and sound effects are under a creative commons license where anything used in them can't be sold for money. I've considered paying someone to replace all the non-original compositions but that would probably cost a good deal more than any money I'd make off of this XD

(3 edits)

Oh i see will just know so far i have really loved your game and you did great work on it!

Also 5/5 stars :)

Thank you very much :D

Heya, I just wanted to pop in and say that I've really enjoyed the game so far! If you released a new version on Steam or something with original music I'd definitely pay for it. I think that's the last thing missing to really tie the whole experience together but even then it's still really polished, especially on the hardest difficulty.

I'll definitely consider doing that sometime down the line! :D Some of my music choices were less than stellar, and replacing those with an original score would be pretty great :D

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

DIscovered this game through Voice of Dog's streams. I'm about 10 hours in now and loving evert second of it!

But, uh, where is this "secret door" that gets mentioned in the sewers. I've been through the downtown district and didn't find another sewer entrance.

(1 edit) (+1)

If you go west by a store that says ESBY TOYS and continue west (ignore the northern path for now), you'll reach an area that seemingly dead-ends. Search around the walled-off area where four benches face a tree and you should find the entrance to the secret second sewer.

Hope that helps, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the game :DDD

Thanks much! I'm awful at finding secrets. 

You're welcome :D That one's not easy to find!

Hey! i just finished the game and i really liked it! I saw the recomendation from Kasey (I LOVED Jimmy and the pulsating mass and wanted to try something similar) on twitter and i gave it a try, i wasnt dissapointed at all! The game was a little repetitive and the story wasnt going too far until you get to the school, but i got really hooked up from there. 

I completed the game, but need some help with the other ending. I have troble trying to give "the key of regret" some use. I think i need to use it inside the mines somewhere, but i went there a couple of times and got really lost. I want to get the right triangle for the door in the underwater zone and i think it is related to this key. Can i get some help, please? Thank you for your awesome game ^^.

Thanks very much, I'm so glad you enjoyed the game :DDD Just a head's up, the first ending is canon and everything after is just for the sake of challenge.

That said, if you want to know where to use the Key of Regret, go in the Mind Mines game, take the green cave door (upper right) and take the first right. You should be able to find the locked door from there ^_^

I finished a couple days ago and really liked it. Your hint about more things being hidden in the Mind Mines let me get the second triangle and reach Neo Vinculum. Also managed to get the Champ Charm from one of the better optional challenge fights I've come across.

I'll probably play through the whole thing again in a while with Expanse translation enabled. Nicely done.

Thank you very much! :DDDDD I'm always surprised in a good way when someone manages to figure all that out, well done finding that! I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! ^_^

I just completed the game, it was very fun, thanks a lot.

On my way to hell now.

Thanks so much for playing! :DDD

Best of luck in hell!

I had a ton of fun playing through this! Also, posting to say that I made it to Neo Vinclum :)

Thanks! That's incredible, I'm so happy to hear when someone made it :DDD

I have just now also unlocked the Power of Neo (after missing about one million times that there was a room behind the column).

Thanks for that great game!

Yeah that's almost an unfair hiding place! XD

Congrats, and I'm glad to you made it to the big secret area :DDD

Warning, comment will contain spoilers for those who aren't done

I finished the game! I just... I don't feel like I got the true ending. I'm kinda sad because I don't have the brain power to figure out what to do. I got a key item that I don't know how to use.


Sorry, gotta make the comment a bit large to avoid spoiling. I have a blue face and I don't know what to do with it. I also found that weird room in the ocean, the one with the purple and yellow triangles and I have no clue where to even get started on that search. 

Could I please ask for a hint with the face, at least?  

I apologize if you found the ending unfulfilling, but the first ending is in fact the canon ending.  All post-game content is mostly for people seeking more challenge. There is another ending, but...

But to answer your question, go to the Princess Zone. There are a few doors hidden behind pillars. You can use the Blue Face there. If you want another hint, there are things hidden in the Mind Mines aside from just Fortune Tickets.

Thanks for playing and sorry for any frustration! 

Thank you for answering my question, and I feel better knowing that I at least got the canon ending. Sorry if I show a sense of feeling dissatisfied, because I'm actually very happy with how a lot of things turned out. The canon ending just had some things that I noticed (and perhaps more that I didn't catch on even my second look through) and the last choice made me wonder.

Thank you for making a great game and bless you with a long and happy life!

Thank you very much! :DDDD So glad that you enjoyed it!

I guess having the first ending be the canon one is a bit strange, but I'm glad you liked it ^_^

Wow your pretty fast with the updates and big fixes.

Thanks! I try to get them patched up as quick as I can, provided I can figure out how XD

Enjoying it very much so! I think I'm in one of the last areas. I'm looking for the two mysterious cubes, but I only found one in a little girl's room, does anyone know where the other one is?

If you take the elevator to Area 5 and talk to the resident in the house at the bottom right of the screen, he should give you the other cube :D

Thanks a lot!! I've finished the game and gone through the post-game dungeon, but my only remaining mysteries are the Princess Heart and the right triangle! Can I have a hint of where to go?

Someone in the Princess Zone of Uratheul will exchange that heart for something. In the underwater area of Makyo, hidden in the northwest corner, is a door.

There are some hints! Good luck! :D

Waahhh I've been waiting for this game ever since I played the demo like 3-4 years back! I can't wait to see all the wacky characters again !

Thanks so much, I'm so glad! :D

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